What you see in me is what you gone get | Song lyrics written and performed by Nadia kassidy
Make no mistake about it, Nadia Kassidy is a talented female artist who through performances shows once again that she should be taken into account by the thousands of people who follow her artist career. If you want to listen to this song, you can find it on a platform that offers music streaming services on the internet using an application or apps that are most popular right now, either free or paid, such as: SoundCloud, Apple Music, YouTube Music, Amazon Music, Spotify, MP3 Music Downloader, TuneIn, Pandora, Offline Music Player among others.
Nadia Kassidy A female artist, who despite the challenges she faces to achieve the success she deserves, but also tries to make a name for herself in a world as competitive as that of music is something that motivates her every day to produce, write songs that are trend at the moment. Her most popular song What you're looking at me, is what you're going to get is a sample of her ability to sing and produce hit songs right now.
What you see in me is what you gone get | Song lyrics written and performed by Nadia kassidy
Reviewed by kribie
March 01, 2023

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