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Bad Girl | Song lyrics by Nadia kassidy


If you consider yourself a bad girl, it is possible that you identify with the lyrics of this song which is felt performed by Nadia Kassidy. A type of romantic song with a message of empowerment of women as a way for women to be in the place they deserve. Do not have the slightest doubt, the lyrics in the content of the song interpreted by Nadia Kassidy and produced by Egonard is the type of song that will touch your heart, but it will also motivate you to fight for the things that you deserve as a woman, be it that you are a classic woman or a modern woman.


Bad girl is the type of song which you can listen to on all the most important streaming service platforms such as: Spotify, Apple Music, Qobuz, Tidal and let's not talk about Amazon Music Unlimited. Every one of Nadia Kassidy's songs can be purchased and downloaded at this online music store. Chica más is one of the most popular songs and which has the most visits on Spotify, but you can also listen to it on YouTube.
Bad Girl | Song lyrics by Nadia kassidy Reviewed by kribie on March 03, 2023 Rating: 5

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